Coaching Services

  • Individual Coaching

    Not being kind to yourself
    Negative self-talk tripping you up
    Self-doubt getting in the way

    Lost yourself in your work
    in your relationship, as a parent
    in the endless lists and demands  

    Anxiety and stress showing up in
    poor sleep, digestive problems, pain
    An inability to unwind and enjoy

    Feel like you are chasing your life around
    Feel stuck, frustrated, unsure
    Lost direction, lost your mojo

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  • Communication Coaching

    How to have a tricky conversation.

    How to manage our own and others reactions.

    Making sure we are heard - being clear. Making sure we have heard - listening.

    Meditating others.

    Things don’t turn to custard suddenly. We usually arrive in that place slowly – one failed or 'failed to have' conversation at a time.

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    Communication seminars for Business

  • Couples Coaching

    When your relationships have turned into a battlefield or worse – a cold standoff of resentment and regret.

    When you can’t find each other anymore.

    Couples only ever have one argument. The topic changes but the dynamic, the structure is of the argument is the same.

    I will not make anyone wrong. I won't judge. I won't give you advice. I won't even try to help you sort out the issue of the day.

    I will help you understand and work through the underlying dynamics of your relationship

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“The nature of our blind spots
is that we can’t see them”