Holding Hands
All you ever need do is hold my hand
you don’t have to carry me
When I fall
I need to find my own way up
All you need do is lend me your reassuring hand
When I have rubbed myself raw, struggling against life
I just need the gift of your soothing hand
to hold while I find my way through
And when I am wild with passionate blame
convinced you are wrong
don’t fight me or leave me
Sit with me and hold my hand
When I am tired
take my hand and show me to my bed
When I am confused, you don’t need to fix me
I need to recognise my own knowing
When I believe myself broken and ask you to carry me
refuse, and offer me your loving hand
I will remember my wholeness
I need to feel my feet on this solid earth
All you ever, ever need do is walk with me
and simply hold my handI
from ‘Follow Yourself Home - 1st edition’